Colonialism Reparation asks the repatriation of the remains and the permanent restitution of the treasures looted by France, Germany and all other former colonizers as a first step in the direction of the Reparation of the damages of the colonialism.
On November 28, 2017 in Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso, the French President Emmanuel Macron declares that [...] I can not accept that a large part of cultural heritage from several African countries is in France. There are historical explanations for that but there are no valid, durable and unconditional justifications, African heritage can not be solely in European private collections and museums. African heritage must be highlighted in Paris, but also in Dakar, in Lagos, in Cotonou, this will be one of my priorities. I want that within five years there are the conditions for temporary or permanent restitution of African heritage to Africa [...].
The historic initiative comes after years of valuable work of the CRAN (Conseil Représentatif des Associations Noires) and in conjunction with requests for repatriation and restitution at the international level but must now be followed by concrete actions that will be carefully monitored.
On December 18, 2017 in Berlin, the capital of Germany, dozens of organizations and hundreds of personalities sent an open letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel asking in occasion of the centenary of the end of German colonialism the restitution of cultural objects and human remains from Africa.
Colonialism Reparation asks the repatriation of the remains and the permanent restitution of the treasures looted by France, Germany and all other former colonizers (United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, etc.) as a first step in the direction of the Reparation of the damages of the colonialism.