On May 10 2013, on the occasion of the National Day for the remembrance of slave trade, slavery and their abolition, the President of the French republic François Hollande claimed that reparation is not possible, which triggered a wide-ranging debate at national level with the contributions, among others, of the President of CRAN, of the Minister of Justice Christiane Taubira and of the writer Patrick Chamoiseau.
The general Debate of the 68th session of the UN General Assembly was held from September 24 to October 1, 2013 in New York; during the debate the delegates of Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago demanded reparations for the genocide of the native people and slavery.
On January 15 2014 the National Committee for the remembrance and history of slavery published its mandate report 2009-2012 about the progress of the public policies developed since fifteen years in the field of the remembrance of slavery in France. At page 51 [...] the Committee highlights the empoverishment of the actions undertaken by the State about slavery, the emergence of some new tensions along the memories arisen from the long history of colonization, as demonstrated by the recent controversy that concerned slavery reparations, and insists on the need of a new enthusiasm to move to a new phase, so as not to miss the symbolic contribution of the law. [...]
The twenty-fifth inter-sessional meeting of the heads of government of the Caribbean Community was held in Buccament, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, from 10-11 March 2014 with the attendance of a dozen delegations. During the meeting the participants examined the progress of the efforts in favor of reparations for the genocide of the native people and slavery at the national and regional level.
The summit participants then expressed their support for the convening in London in the coming months of a conference of the Caribbean and European leaders, that would provide the opportunity for a detailed debate over reparatory justice
Colonialism Reparation calls on France, the homeland of the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen", on the occasion of the "National Day of remembrance of slave trade, slavery and abolition" to take responsibilities regarding the colonial period and to positively respond to the reparations demand of CARICOM thus following the recommendations of its "National Committee for the remembrance and history of slavery".