International recognition of Palestine grew further in recent months, as we predicted a couple of years ago, despite the lack of approval by the United Nations Security Council on December 30, 2014 of resolution S/2014/916 in order to terminate Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories by 2017 along the borders established in 1967.

On October 13, 2014 the Parliament of the United Kingdom asks its Government to recognize the State of Palestine, on October 30, 2014 the Government of Sweden recognizes the State of Palestine, on November 18, 2014 the Parliament of Spain asks its government to recognize the State of Palestine, followed on December 2, 2014 by the Parliament of France, on December 10, 2014 by the Parliament of Ireland and on December 12, 2014 by the Parliament of Portugal and finally on December 17, 2014 the European Parliament supports in principle the recognition of the Palestinian State.

On December 19, 2014 the United Nations General Assembly approves the resolution 69/241 that reaffirms the permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources and on January 2, 2015 Palestine is recognized as a member State of the International Criminal Court.

The current situation result of colonial mentality, as we said a few months ago, can be solved only through reparations.

Colonialism Reparation calls for Palestine to be granted the status of UN member State and on Israel, along with the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the other colonial powers of the time, to present apologies and compensations to Palestine for the current and past colonization so allowing a fast resumption of the Palestinian territories from decades of abuses.