Colonialism Réparation asks that the French Minister of the Interior Claude Guéant apologizes to the United Nations General Assembly for the statement that "not all civilizations are equal" or be discharged from his duties.
On February 4, 2012 the French Minister of the Interior, overseas territories, territorial collettivities and immigration Claude Guéant states, during a colloquium organized by the Union Nationale inter-universitaire, that "not all civilizations are equal" and that "we need to protect our civilization" and on February 5, 2012 he reaffirms, during an interview with France Inter, that "all civilizations, all practices, all cultures, on the basis of our republican principles, are not equal".
Fortunately, on February 7, 2012 Serge Letchimy, Deputy of the Martinique, speaks during a question-time session to the Government, stating that "you stoop so low as to claim, without neither remorse nor regret, that not all civilizations are equal. That some would be more advanced or even higher. No, Mr Guéant, this is not 'common sense', it is quite simply an insult to mankind. It is a denial of the richness of human experience. And it is an attack upon the diversity of peoples, cultures and civilizations" and it goes on saying that "Day after day you take us back to those European ideologies that led to concentration camps after campaigns of slavery and colonialism. The Nazi regime, so fretful about remaining pure, so hostile to all differences, was it a civilization? The barbarism of slavery and colonisation was it a civilising mission? ". The speech, to which the members of the Government and of the majority respond by leaving the chamber, has been examined in the following days from the presidential office of the Parliament and considered legitimate.
Colonialism Réparation agrees with the writer Patrick Chamoiseau, who argues that "when one starts hierarchizing the civilizations, considering them 'inferior' or 'superior', one goes adrift toward the worst horizons. The idea of civilization, very trendy during the big western conquests, makes reference to culture, of which it would be the most noble substrate; and the fact of culture leads directly to the human. The concept of human was accompanied by the nonsense of 'race' that have occupied the thesis of superiority, and hence of hierarchy, where Count Arthur de Gobineau, the racist anthropologies, and all the justifications of colonialism sunk."Colonialism Repation therefore asks that, as FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke did on March 6, 2012 to Brazil, the French Minister of the interior, overseas territories, territorial collettivities and immigration Claude Guéant apologizes to the United Nations General Assembly, representative of the community of peoples, cultures and civilisations, for the statement that "not all civilizations are equal" or be discharged from his duties.