Colonialism Reparation asks that Germany, beyond the repatriation of Herero and Nama remains, present apologies and compensations to Namibia for the genocide.
On August 29, 2018 at the French Cathedral of Berlin, capital of Germany, was held the ceremony for the return of remains of twenty-seven Herero and Nama in the presence of a large Namibian delegation headed by the Minister of Education, Arts and Culture Katrina Hanse-Himarwa and of German Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Michelle Müntefering who, despite having said that "Germany recognises its historical responsibility", has not expressed any official apologies. The same day therefore there have been demonstrations of protest in Berlin, Munich, Leipzig and Hamburg for the lack of official apologies for the Herero and Nama genocide. On August 31, 2018 in the presence of a large Namibian delegation headed by the Namibian Vice-President Nangolo Mbumba and of the German Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Michelle Müntefering, the rests have been welcomed in Namibia with a ceremony in the gardens of the Parliament of Windhoek, capital of Namibia.
The third repatriation of remains, after those of 2011 and 2014, is another missed opportunity to move closer to a serious reconciliation between Germany and Namibia, while the class action lawsuit started by Herero and Nama continues at the New York Federal Court to get collective reparations and the right to be present at the ongoing negotiations between German and Namibian Government.
Colonialism Reparation asks that Germany, beyond the repatriation of Herero and Nama remains, present apologies and compensations to Namibia for the genocide involving the victims people in the negotiations.