Join the Call for the International day for reparations to make sure that the October 12, symbolic date of the beginning of Colonization, is commemorated every year all over the world with a series of events capable of concretely push the cause of the reparations. This initiative launched at the World Social Forum 2013 will give more strength and visibility to actions around this topic.
In the past, figures as famous as Condorcet, Callie House, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Frantz Fanon, Desmond Tutu, and Wole Soyinka have defended the principle of colonialism reparation but it is also its current consequences and the future potential of all things that is hampered by new forms of imperialist domination. We must continue the fight to get justice. Unity is strength, this is our credo!
For Justice for the past and the present! For Truth that changes History! For the Liberation of all peoples!