On February 29, 2012 the parliamentary group Die Linke presents a motion that is rejected by the German Parliament on March 22, 2012. This motion calls for the Parliament to acknowledge the massacre of the Herero, Nama, Damara and San people committed by the German colonial troops between 1904 and 1908 as genocide, to apologize to their descendants and to acknowledge the reparations due for a complete reconciliation.
On March 07, 2012 a coalition of NGOS launches the appeal No amnesty on genocide in support of the motion.
In addition, on March 20, 2012 the parliamentary groups SPD and Bundnis 90 - Die Grunen present a motion that is rejected by the German Parliament on March 22, 2012. This motion calls for the Parliament to acknowledge the massacre of the Herero, Nama, Damara and San committed by the German colonial troops between 1904 and 1908 as genocide, to apologize to their descendants and to create a fund to support them.
On March 29, 2012 the Ovaherero-Ovambanderu Council for Dialog on the genocide of 1904 condems the majority coalition for voting against the motions presented, thanking those who have worked in their favor.
Colonialism Reparation welcomes the fact that all the opposition forces of the German Parliament are finally ready to reconcile with this part of their past and calls for Germany to apologize and pay reparations to Namibia for the colonial genocide as soon as possible.