Colonialism Reparation welcomes the various forms of commemoration of the victims of colonialism that have proliferated in this last period and invites all the active subjects to begin from this first step and to continue in the direction of the Reparation of the damages of the colonialism.
Since the last years of the past century various forms of commemoration of the victims of colonialism have been promoted in several countries of the world. In 1994 in Ouidah in Benin is launched by UNESCO The Slave Route project to break the silence about the slave trade and slavery, in 1995 also in Ouidah in Benin is inaugurated the Door of No Return to commemorate the victims of the transatlantic slave trade, in 2002 in Kingston in Jamaica is inaugurated at Emancipation Park the Redemption Song monument with a couple of blacks that rise triumphant from the horrors of slavery and in 2009 in Le Morne Brabant in the Mauritius is inaugurated the International Slave Route Monument to commemorate the victims of the Indian slave trade, just to mention the main ones.
In this last period the various forms of commemoration of the victims of colonialism have multiplied. On December 23, 2013 the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaims 2015-2024 International Decade for People of African Descent, on March 25, 2015 in New York at the headquarters of the United Nations is inaugurated the Ark of Return to commemorate the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade, on May 10, 2015 is inaugurated in Point-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe the Mémorial ACTe to commemorate the slave trade and slavery and on July 1, 2015 at the German Parliament is proposed the motion Reconciliation with Namibia: recognize the Genocide!, always to remember the main ones.
There are of course also attempts to use commemorations to avoid to Repair, as is happening in France where the President of the Republic François Hollande, that on May 10, 2013 claimed that reparation is not possible by arguing that what happened happened and that the only possible choice is the remembrance, on May 10, 2015 inaugurates the Mémorial ACTe and where the association Memoires et Partages on April 1, 2015 recalls to "responsibility" the CRAN (Representative Council of Black Associations) as a result of the proposal to the City of Bordeaux to form a Reconciliation commission between the descendants of the families of slavers and slaves (fortunately following the refusal of the Mayor of Bordeaux the CRAN on May 9, 2015 has denounced for crimes against humanity Baron Ernest-Antoine Seillière, whose fortune is largely derived from the slave trade, demanding reparations).
Colonialism Reparation welcomes the various forms of commemoration of the victims of colonialism that have proliferated in this last period and invites all the active subjects to begin from this first step and to continue in the direction of the Reparation of the damages of the colonialism with due condemnation, reconciliation, apologies and compensations.