[Colonialism Reparation] Newsletter 09/20

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Join The Call For The International Day For Reparations

On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus set foot on the so called "New World", ushering in a cycle of occupation, violence, genocide and slavery: this was the beginning of colonization.

When a wrong has been committed, it must be repaired. If you recognise that colonization has been a source of massive crimes against humanity, then reparations are legitimate. If you refuse these reparations, then you deny the criminal nature of colonial crimes.

One may certainly discuss the terms of reparations, but it is important that it is effectively implemented as soon as possible. From this day on, now and every year forward, we will aim to advance justice in the world. Because it is not only the past, but the present and the future potential of all things is hampered both by the weight of the past colonialism and by new forms of imperialist domination.

We invite citizens, NGOs, and governments to seize this iconic date and implement any and all action necessary to advance the cause of reparations all over the world (press releases, conferences, exhibitions, media campaigns, street actions, cultural festivals, radio broadcasts or television, political decisions, etc.).

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Colonialism Reparation

 Colonialists Are Falling

The fall of colonial symbols gone viral with the explosion of anti-racism protests following the death of George Floyd continues without interruption.

In the United Kingdom it continues with the erection of the monument A Surge of Power (Jen Reid) 2020 in Bristol, with the removal of the monument to Thomas Picton in Cardiff and the removal of the monument to Hans Sloane in London.

In the United States it continues with the removal of the monument to Christopher Columbus in Columbus, with the removal of the monument to Christopher Columbus in San Antonio, ...

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The end of the Empire

" ... In recent months, we have said that to survive the United States needs the resignation of Trump and a non-violent revolution, but that does not seem to be coming soon. Many city administrations are progressive and progressive Congressional candidates are being nominated, and some elected. However, that, by itself, will not change a system where the electoral process is mostly in the hands of big money. Progressive mayors and Congressional candidates would have to be supported by mass movements in city halls, town meetings and on the streets if the military priorities of American society can be transformed into a new national unity that puts the priorities on racial and economic equality and full employment.
What seems more likely in the short term is a risk of civil war, as discussed in this article in The Nation and this Youtube video. Here’s why this must be taken seriously ...".

Taken from "The crash of the American empire" by David Adams.

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