[Colonialism Reparation] Newsletter 09/15

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Nigeria - Colonialism

The first pan-African conference on reparations for the enslavement, the colonization and the African neo-colonization headed by MKO Abiola, was held in Abuja (Nigeria) from April 27 to 29 1993, it was sponsored by the Committee of Eminent Personalities and by the Reparations Commission of the Organization of African Unity.

With the prison and the mysterious death of MKO Abiola the issue of reparations has a setback, but ten years later and more precisely in 2004, the African Renaissance Party submits to the federal Parliament a bill called African Reparation Act, which provides for the establishment of the African Reparation Commission with the task of chairing the process of reparations at Nigerian level.

Until now the bill has not yet been discussed by the federal Parliament.

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Colonialism Reparation


International day for reparations 2015


On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus set foot on the so called "New World", ushering in a cycle of occupation, violence, genocide and slavery: this was the beginning of colonization. Begun in the late fifteenth century, colonization lasted several centuries and continues to this day in modern forms (imperialism, mining, land grabbing, military interventions, etc.).

When a wrong has been committed, it must be repaired. If you recognise that colonization has been a source of massive crimes against humanity, then reparations are legitimate. If you refuse these reparations, then you deny the criminal nature of colonial crimes. This is why we are forcefully demanding reparations, and this demand is non-negotiable. Since the beginning of colonization, over five centuries ago, men and women have fought against it and demanded justice.

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The end of the Empire

Leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on Friday passed a resolution on starting the procedures of granting India and Pakistan full membership of the organization in Ufa, Russia, which analysts hailed as opening the door to more regional cooperation and stability. Beijing ready to maintain ‘close cooperation’ with Islamabad”.

India and Pakistan began accession to a regional security group led by China and Russia on Friday after two days of summits which President Vladimir Putin held up as evidence Moscow is not isolated in the world.India, Pakistan to join China, Russia in security group

Bien, les stratèges américanistes en communication viennent de découvrir que l’OCS (Organisation de Coopération de Shanghai) a décidé de s’élargir en incorporant dans ses rangs l’Inde et le Pakistan ; on annonce la chose depuis bien deux ans, mais bon, ils la réalisent aujourd’hui, selon la rapidité courante de leurs jugements qu’on mesure à l’intérêt qu’ils portent à tout ce qui n’est pas les USA, et les voilà en mode-panique.Après l’élargissement (Inde, Pakistan) de l’OCS, panique US”.

These are the three articles selected for you on the reception to India and Pakistan inside the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

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