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[Colonialism Reparation] Newsletter 01/24

[Colonialism Reparation] Newsletter 01/24
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Caribbean Community - Slavery

The thirty-fourth summit of the Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community was held in Port of Spain, the capital of Trinidad and Tobago, from 4 to 6 July 2013 with the attendance of a dozen delegations. During the summit, the proposal of the Prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda Baldwin Spencer to promote actions to monitor the reparations for the genocide of the native people and slavery was endorsed by the Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community.

By approving actions to monitor the reparations for the genocide of the native people and the slavery, the members of CARICOM decided to set up some "national reparations committees" in each member State and the creation of a " CARICOM reparation Commission" composed of the chairmen of the national committees. The Heads of Government of Barbados (chairman), Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, Haiti, Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago will provide a political supervision.

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Colonialism Reparation

Africa and the Caribbean ask for reparations

The request for reparations for the genocide of the natives and the slavery by the members of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) continues and on June 8, 2023 Judge Patrick Robinson, member of the International Court of Justice, presented the Report on Reparations for Transatlantic Chattel Slavery in the Americas and the Caribbean, prepared by the Brattle Group for the University of the West Indies and the American Society of International Law's, which estimates the compensations due for transatlantic slavery at between one hundred and one hundred and thirty-one trillion dollars.

On October 12, 2023 the President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro asked CELAC for the creation of a "Commission for the Historical Truth of Colonialism and for the Reparation of All Latin and Caribbean America", proposed by the thirty-one Indigenous and African descent peoples present at the first Insurgent Meeting for Venezuelanity and the Vice President of Colombia Francia Márquez inaugurated the "National Intersectoral Commission for Historical Reparation", created by Decree 820/23 with the aim of overcoming the effects of racism, racial discrimination and colonialism in the country's ethnic populations.

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The end of the Empire

We propose as interesting reading of the moment "Europe agonizes in Gaza" by  Boaventura de Sousa Santos.

… “The continuation of the war in Ukraine, i.e. Europe’s inability to build a just peace against US geostrategic interests, has been the most visible manifestation of Europe’s historic decline. It certainly won’t be the last. Colonialism is a ghost that will haunt Europe for a long time to come. Its most recent outcropping is the criminal final solution imposed by Israel on the martyred people of Palestine. Zionism became a convenience of the British Empire to prevent the emergence of a strong Arab state in the Middle East and expanded thanks to European anti-Semitism, a long and cruel history that goes from the 16th century Inquisition to Nazism, via the 1881 pogroms in Russia and the Dreyfus Affair in France (1894).” ...

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