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[Colonialism Reparation] Newsletter 05/23

[Colonialism Reparation] Newsletter 05/23
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United Nations - Colonialism

The United Nations was born in 1945 and they accompanied the movement of decolonization that developed in the second half of the twentieth century.

The Charter of the United Nations already provides in Chapter XI (Declaration regarding Non-Self-GoverningTerritories) article 73, point b, the obligation on UN members, which have or assume responsibility for the administration of territories whose population has not yet achieved full independence, to develop self-government of the people.

On December 14th 1960 the General Assembly adopts the resolution 1514 (XV) (Declaration on the Granting of Independence to colonial countries and peoples), which solemnly proclaims the need to promptly and unconditionally put an end to colonialism in all its forms and manifestations.

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Colonialism Reparation

Colonialists Continue to Fall

The fall of colonial symbols gone viral with the explosion of anti-racism protests following the death of George Floyd continues, albeit at a slower pace.

In the United States it continues with the toppling of the American-Indian War monument in Santa Fe, with the toppling of the monuments to Theodore Roosevelt and to Abraham Lincoln in Portland, with the removal of the monument to Abraham Lincoln in Boston, with the removal of the monument to Christian IX of Denmark in Saint Thomas, with the removal of the monument to John O'Donnell in Baltimore, with the removal of the monuments to George Rogers Clark and to Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in Charlottesville, with the removal of the monument to Thomas Jefferson in New York, and with the removal of the monument to Theodore Roosevelt in New York.

In France it continues with the change of name to Rue des peuples autochtones of the now former Rue Christophe Colomb in Cayenne and with the removal of the monument to Victor Schoelcher in Le Lamentin.

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The end of the Empire

The article "Securing Ourselves Is in Our Hands; and Defeat of the Enemy Lies in His Own Hands" by Alastair Crooke, originally published on Strategic Culture,  is our suggestion for an interesting read.

"... Putin has brought Russia back, and into broad alignment with China and other Asian states on economic thinking.The latter have, in effect, been saying for some time that ‘Anglo’ political philosophy is not necessarily the world’s philosophy. Societies may work best, Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore and others have said, were they to pay less attention to the individual, and more to the welfare of the group."...
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