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[Colonialism Reparation] Newsletter 03/23

[Colonialism Reparation] Newsletter 03/23
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South Africa - Apartheid

Apartheid in South Africa began the second half of the Forties of last century with the National Party's election victory and it finished in the first half of the Nineties with the reforms started by President Frederik Willem de Klerk and completed by President Nelson Mandela.

In 1995, with Act 34-95 (Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation) the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is established. This is a special court with the aim of promoting national unity and reconciliation in a spirit of understanding which transcends the conflicts and divisions of the past.

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Colonialism Reparation

Other religious institutions promote reparations

After a first wave of reparations promoted by some religious institutions following the anti-racism protests after the death of George Floyd, other religious institutions have taken the same path.

On September 12, 2020, the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland in the United States approved the creation of a reparation fund, for its complicity in slavery, of one million dollars to finance reparatory measures for the black community, inviting churches to join.

On November 13, 2021, the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia in the United States approved the creation of a reparation fund, for its support and complicity in slavery, of ten million dollars to finance reparatory measures for black, indigenous and peoples of color communities.

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The end of the Empire

The article "The Occident Is Now Militarising Itself to Death for a Second Time" by Jan Oberg published in TRANSCEND Media Service, on the progressive decline of the Occident, is our suggestion for an interesting read.

…” To be number one in a system is, without exception, always dangerous. You get obsessed with teaching and mastering, avoiding to learn and be humble vis-a-vis the achievements of others, rely on groupthink – we cannot possibly be wrong – and end up overdoing the sphere where you may still think that you have a comparative advantage: Ever-growing militarism and war-planning (although the wars have been lost). A permanent warrior mentality coupled with the incremental implementation of a war economy.” ...
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