[Colonialism Reparation] Newsletter 11/19

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Peru - Apartheid

The Afro-Peruvian people, esteemed today in around two million people (3% of the population of Peru), have been objects of different forms of apartheid beginning from the abolition of slavery in 1856.

On December 7th 2009, the Republic of Peru with the Supreme Resolution 010/2009 has "expressed Forgiveness to the Afroperuano people by abuse, exclusion and discrimination committed in their grievance". Presented during a ceremony presided by the President Alan Garcia Perez and by the Minister for Gender and Social Development Nidia Vilchez Sucra, the Act commits the Government of Peru through the Ministry for Gender and Social Development, in coordination with the sectors concerned, to dictate public policies specific to the development of the Afro-Peruvian people.

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Colonialism Reparation


Reparations for colonialism are mandatory


On December 22, 2018 the United Nations General Assembly adopts resolution 73/262 (A global call for concrete action for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action) in which, [...] welcoming the call upon all the former colonial Powers for reparations, consistent with paragraphs 157 and 158 of the Durban Programme of Action, to redress the historical injustices of slavery and the slave trade, including the transatlantic slave trade, [...] encourages the Special Rapporteur […] to submit reports in this regard to the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly […].

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The end of the Empire

What is really happening in South America?

Here's what Pepe Escobar in "Burn, Neoliberalism, Burn" and Alan Macleod in "Chilean Protests: A Revolt against Neoliberalism the Media Refuses to Acknowledge" think about.

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