During the fifty years since the independence of Algeria France has never recognized its responsibility for the colonial genocide and has tried to stop the Algerian initiatives that recently moved in this direction.

One February 7, 2010, in fact, 125 members of the National Liberation Front had sent a bill to the National People's Congress, the lower house of the Algerian parliament, demanding the condemnation of the French colonization.

On February 21, 2010, however, the Prime minister Ahmed Ouyahia received the visit of the then Secretary general of the French President Claude Guéant, considered to be the coordinator of the African policy of the Elisée, for an audience on the Algerian-French relations. In the following months the Algerian government did not give its assent to debate and vote the bill and on September 25, 2010 the President of the National People's Congress Abdelaziz Narios stated that the bill was not on the agenda of the current session nor would probably be on the next one.

On December 26, 2011, as a result of the French condemnation of the Armenian genocide, the Algerian Minister of veterans Mohamed Chérif Abbas asked Parliament to approve the bill to condemn the French colonization introduced in 2010, stating that "the request of the criminalization of colonialism is a claim of the Algerian people and it will remain until France will not officially take its responsibilities".

The French colonization of Algeria, which ends with the war of independence, was one of the most brutal in the history of the French colonial empire, and its victims can be counted in millions.


Colonialism Reparation therefore asks that France apologizes and pays reparations to Algeria for the colonial genocide.